Water Jasmine

Photo Water Jasmine :: fragrance ingredients

Water Jasmine, scientifically known as Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, is a plant known for its fragrant flowers. These flowers have a unique aroma that is often described as a blend of sweet and floral scents with a subtle green undertone. This makes it a distinctive ingredient in fragrance compositions. The use of Water Jasmine in perfumery is not as extensive as other jasmine varieties, but where it is used, it imparts a fresh, aquatic, and slightly green floral character. The fragrance is often associated with the freshness and serenity of water bodies, adding a calming and soothing aspect to the perfumes. In fragrances, Water Jasmine is typically used to convey a sense of freshness and purity. Its scent profile is conducive to creating serene, tranquil compositions, often found in fragrances that aim to evoke a peaceful, natural setting. It blends well with other floral and aquatic notes, enhancing the fresh and clean characteristics of a fragrance.

Natural or Synthetic?
The extraction methods or synthetic production of Water Jasmine scent for use in perfumery are not widely detailed. If natural, the scent would be extracted from the flowers, potentially through steam distillation or solvent extraction. The use of synthetic equivalents, if any, would depend on the availability and economic feasibility of extracting the natural oil.

Fragrance Families Water Jasmine Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Water Jasmine

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