Tobacco Leaf

Photo Tobacco Leaf :: fragrance ingredients

Tobacco Leaf, from the plant Nicotiana tabacum, offers a rich, aromatic, and somewhat spicy fragrance, widely recognized for its warm, sweet, and earthy notes, reminiscent of leather. Originating from the Americas and used historically in various cultural rituals, it enriches perfumes with a luxurious, mature aura. In perfumery, Tobacco Leaf contributes to Oriental and Woody fragrance families, providing depth and a nostalgic feel, often synthesized to capture its essence without the harshness of raw tobacco. It pairs well with notes like vanilla and tonka bean, enhancing fragrances with its profound narrative and inviting warmth.

Natural or Synthetic?
While the direct extraction from Tobacco Leaf is not common due to its high nicotine content and complex natural scent, both natural essences and synthesized versions are used to achieve a desirable and consistent fragrance profile.

Fragrance Families Tobacco Leaf Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Tobacco Leaf

Note distribution of tobacco leaf across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain tobacco leaf