Sichuan Pepper

Photo Sichuan Pepper :: fragrance ingredients

Sichuan Pepper is used in fragrances to add a distinctive spicy and slightly lemony note. This ingredient, originating from the Sichuan province of China, has been a staple in culinary arts but has found its way into the world of perfumery due to its complex and invigorating aroma. In fragrances, Sichuan Pepper provides a fresh, vibrant twist, often used to enhance top notes. It's particularly valued for its ability to introduce a dynamic and unconventional element to fragrance compositions.

Natural or Synthetic?
Sichuan Pepper is used both in its natural form and synthetically in perfumes. The natural form captures the authentic spicy and citrusy essence, while synthetic versions are often used due to cost-effectiveness and consistency in scent. Extraction of the oil from Sichuan Pepper involves steam distillation of the dried berries, whereas synthetic versions replicate its distinct aroma through chemical compositions.

Fragrance Families Sichuan Pepper Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Sichuan Pepper

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain sichuan pepper