
Photo Mugwort :: fragrance ingredients

Mugwort is often incorporated in perfumery for its unique and intense aroma. The plant itself is historical, used across various cultures for its herbal and medicinal properties. In fragrances, Mugwort contributes a deep, slightly bitter, and herbal quality that can bring an earthy depth to scents. Its use in fragrances often aims to evoke a sense of wild, untamed nature and can provoke feelings of grounding and earthiness. This ingredient is utilized both naturally and synthetically depending on the fragrance's desired complexity and longevity.

Natural or Synthetic?
Natural extracts of Mugwort are preferred for their authenticity and depth, but synthetic versions are employed for stability and cost-effectiveness. The extraction of essential oils from Mugwort can be challenging due to its robust nature, making synthetic alternatives a practical option in modern perfumery.

Fragrance Families Mugwort Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Mugwort

Note distribution of mugwort across all fragrances

Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain mugwort