
Photo Carambola :: fragrance ingredients

Carambola, also known as star fruit, infuses perfumes with a unique, sweet, and tropical aroma. This fruit is not traditionally used in perfumery due to the complexity of capturing its essence but is recreated synthetically to deliver its juicy, fresh, and slightly tangy scent profile. Its inclusion in fragrances brings a bright, fruity note that adds a playful and exotic character to fragrance compositions, often used to evoke feelings of freshness and tropical lushness.

Natural or Synthetic?
The essence of Carambola is predominantly synthesized as the actual extraction of oil from the fruit is not commercially feasible due to low yield and high cost. Synthetic methods allow for capturing the essence of Carambola's unique scent profile more effectively and economically.

Fragrance Families Carambola Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Carambola

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain carambola