
Photo Bluebell :: fragrance ingredients

Bluebell, scientifically known as Hyacinthoides non-scripta, is a woodland flower known for its bell-shaped blooms and sweet, delicate fragrance. Found predominantly in the UK and other parts of Europe, the bluebell has a distinctive, fresh, and floral aroma that is often described as subtly green and dewy. This scent captures the essence of springtime woodlands, evoking images of damp earth covered in a carpet of these vibrant blue flowers. In perfumery, the essence of bluebell is often recreated synthetically since the extraction of natural oils from the flower itself is not feasible due to its delicate nature and the impracticality of distillation. The synthetic recreation allows perfumers to harness the light and clean nuances of bluebell, making it ideal for floral and fresh fragrance families.

Natural or Synthetic?
The scent of bluebell is recreated synthetically in perfumery due to the impracticality of extracting essential oils from the flower. The delicate nature of bluebells makes natural extraction methods unfeasible, thus synthetic versions are developed to capture their fresh, floral essence.

Fragrance Families Bluebell Most Commonly Found In

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Some Statistics on Bluebell

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Percentage of fragrances in our database (1651 Fragrances) that contain bluebell